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2024-09-17 23:59:59 US/Eastern Time

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Work With Us - Commercial Companies - Submit Solution

LightCycle (Data Mesh)

We look forward to your solution —
To submit, scroll to the form at the bottom of this page.

Project Description

Problem Statement: 

The Department of Defense (DoD) currently operates multiple network transport layers, which serve different enclaves of separate information domains relying on multiple message brokers for data stream management. Data distribution across this network of enclaves is often managed by individual applications, leading to surges, latency, and geographic dependence. Furthermore, given the nature of operating in Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent and Limited Impact (DDIL) bandwidth areas, these issues are compounded and flood the network with retries when disconnected and re-transmissions of messages when connectivity is restored. This lack of control and management of data distribution results in inefficient usage of network resources and decreased performance for high priority mission data.

Desired Solution Attributes:

DoD is looking for a commercial solution that can reliably and efficiently distribute data across multiple, geographically-dispersed network enclaves that can communicate with each other using routing protocols and devices. The solution should also allow for data sharing between different classification levels and prevent unauthorized access to data. 

Specifically, DoD is looking to prototype a data distribution solution that will manage the transport and caching of data across a globally-distributed infrastructure using an asynchronous publisher-subscriber (Pub/Sub) messaging system. 

This prototype must exhibit the following primary capabilities:

  • In General:
    • Run on government-furnished infrastructure/equipment operated by government personnel 
    • Run on contractor-provided infrastructure/equipment operated by DoD-approved contractor(s). 
    • Utilize the authentication methods and infrastructure provided by the government. 
    • Permit data sharing across different classification levels
    • Ensure proper access controls to prevent unauthorized access to data
    • Incorporate plans for implementing Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Facilitate management and governance of data through a Data Product Registry to expedite onboarding and promote use of enterprise data for DoD initiatives.
    • Allow for flexible and abstracted access patterns for real-time data exchange between nodes and external data producers and consumers
    • Facilitate the translation and exchange of mission command data, such as reference/encyclopedic data, environmental data, imagery, task orders, and application/configuration data
    • Monitor network health and dynamically route traffic to optimize performance
    • Easily integrate with enterprise data meshes and/or API gateways to improve interoperability between systems.
  • Network Performance
    • Incorporate network awareness into message brokers to determine priority of messages delivered over limited bandwidth connections from application service level policies.
    • Interface with a government-provided network transport solution to manage policies over routing.
    • Report metrics to enable analysis and visualization of cache/bandwidth utilization algorithm performance.
  • Data Service
    • Provide data catalog management (tagging/metadata/schema) to enable data object discoverability and governance.
    • Provide analysis of data object use across the network to optimize data distribution within the network.
    • Provide local interface to publish data for dissemination (broker or cache).
    • Translate data objects/messages into standard schema for applications consumption
    • Perform optimized compression on data objects to reduce network bandwidth needs.
    • Perform optimization decisions on message queuing and data streaming in the context of network performance (i.e., DDIL) and policy engine inputs.
  • Message Broker
    • Incorporate message flooding safeguards between message brokers to prevent saturation of network bandwidth during DDIL scenarios.
    • Determine optimal message broker architecture such that minimal network bandwidth is consumed between network segments while providing data reliability towards application service-level policies.
    • Service message brokering between applications with multiple input and multiple output points of data origination.
    • Identify approach to synchronize message queues, resolving conflicts, resulting from disconnected operations.
  • Caching
    • Orchestrate caching data on constrained infrastructure based on service-level policies and best effort means to reduce network bandwidth. 
    • Set global policies across global, regional, and local cache stores to manage updating or purging data as needed.
    • Implement connection-aware cache control to keep cache contents up-to-date when the source server is unavailable for extended periods.
    • Implement Data-At-Rest (DAR) encryption for all cache storage
    • Ensure data encryption during transit between Data Distribution Network (DDN) brokers/routers and applications.
    • Ensure classification policy and data sovereignty laws are maintained across cache sites.
    • Provide geo-fencing functions/policy engine to prevent data from being stored on geolocated infrastructure.
  • Policy Engine
    • Provide an end user interface to establish mission playbook policies, which orchestrate multiple configuration changes to the multiple products (i.e., network transport, message broker(s), cache, etc.) to quickly reprioritize the system for mission context.
    • Support distributed (global, regional, and local) policy engine changes to support DDIL operations.
  • Security
    • Solution accreditation is required for full functionality and deployment on DoD systems
    • Existing authority to operate (ATO) and/or certification as a system of record is a plus
    • Vendors must possess or be able to obtain Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) High accreditation along with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Impact Level (IL)-6 provisional authority (PA) or offer solutions that are compatible with services that have already attained an ATO and are DISA IL-6-compliant.
    • Final product must be compliant with FedRAMP High Impact Risk Level.

Eligibility Requirements

Submission Requirements 

Submissions should include an overview and technical details of the proposed solution. Inclusion of examples of the successful deployment of similar solutions in the commercial sector is highly encouraged.

Preference will be given to submissions that present a comprehensive and compelling solution to the problem statement and product requirements. Proposals should identify whether the submitter will employ partners or subcontractors and, if so, which companies would deliver which capabilities.

The Government requires cross functional collaboration and integration of technical outputs to ensure mission success. The Government intends to utilize this AOI in singularity, as well as a component of a more complex program, for which other AOI’s may be issued. Therefore, all solutions submitted in response to this AOI may be used to support, including technology insertion, into other prototyping efforts advertised by DIU. All AOIs will be governed by Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO) HQ0845-20-S-C001 dated 23 March 2020. 

Awarding Instrument:

This solicitation will be awarded in accordance with the Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO) process detailed within HQ0845-20-S-C001 (DIU CSO), posted to on 13 Jan 2020, updated 02 Oct 2023. This document can be found at:

Vendors are reminded that in order to utilize an Other Transaction (OT) agreement the requirements of 10 USC 4022 must be satisfied. Specifically reference 10 USC 4022(d), which requires significant contribution from a nontraditional defense contractor, all participants to be small business concerns, or at least one third of the total cost of the prototype project is to be paid out of funds provided by sources other than the federal government.

Follow-on Production:

Companies are advised that any prototype Other Transaction (OT) agreement awarded in response to this Area of Interest may result in the award of a follow-on production contract or transaction without the use of further competitive procedures. The follow-on production contract or transaction will be available for use by one or more organizations in the Department of Defense and, as a result, the magnitude of the follow-on production contract or agreement could be significantly larger than that of the prototype OT. As such, any prototype OT will include the following statement relative to the potential for follow-on production: "In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 4022(f), and upon a determination that the prototype project for this transaction has been successfully completed, this competitively awarded prototype OTA may result in the award of a follow-on production contract or transaction without the use of competitive procedures..”

Awarding Process



Q1: What are the types of data sources or databases where the information is currently stored?

A1: The types of data sources or databases where the information is currently stored is identified in the diagram below. This diagram is meant to show current processes, not to restrict or omit vendors whose solutions may differ. Vendors whose solutions include a differing approach to storage are encouraged to submit a response. 

Q2: Is the LightCycle team available for calls to provide any further information about this Area of Interest?

A2: Unfortunately, not. The Area of Interest provides all information currently available for dissemination. 

Before You Submit

What we recommend you include when you submit a solution brief.

When you submit to a DIU solicitation, we'll ask you to include a solution brief. Here's some guidance about what that entails.

Potential Follow-On Production Contract for Prototype Other Transaction Agreements

Companies are advised that any Prototype Other Transaction (OT) agreement awarded in response to this solicitation may result in the direct award of a follow-on production contract or agreement without the use of further competitive procedures. Follow-on production activities will result from successful prototype completion.

The follow-on production contract or agreement will be available for use by one or more organizations within the Department of Defense. As a result, the magnitude of the follow-on production contract or agreement could be significantly larger than that of the Prototype OT agreement. All Prototype OT agreements will include the following statement relative to the potential for follow-on production: “In accordance with 10 U.S.C. § 4022(f), and upon a determination that the prototype project for this transaction has successfully been completed, this competitively awarded Prototype OT agreement may result in the award of a follow-on production contract or transaction without the use of competitive procedures.”

2023 Other Transaction Guide

Common issues with submissions

If you are having problems uploading your AOI submission to DIU, it may be one of these common issues with submitting, click here for solutions to common submission issues.

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Contact Us

Submission Form
Please fill out the following form in its entirety.


Company Information
Company Contact Information

Submitter Information

Is your company headquarters address different from your company address?

Please tell us your company headquarters address
Is your company a partially or wholly owned subsidiary of another company?

Please tell us about your parent company
Is your company currently operating in stealth mode?

Is this your company's first submission to a Defense Innovation Unit solicitation?
This applies to solution briefs submitted in response to project-specific solicitations.

Is your company registered in Systems Award Management ( and assigned a current Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code?

Please enter your CAGE code

Solution Brief

Solution briefs must be saved as a PDF that is 10MB or smaller. Papers should be approximately 5 or fewer pages and slide decks should be approximately 15 or fewer slides.

Upload (1) One Solution Brief Document* (max size 10mb)
I certify that this submission contains no data designated higher than "Controlled Unclassified Information" (CUI). Submissions with CUI and "FOUO" material may be accepted.

Any agreement awarded off of this solicitation will include language requiring your company to confirm compliance with Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Pub. L. 115-232). If you are not able to comply with the law, the Government may not be able to award the agreement.

We Work With You

If we think there’s a good match between your solution and our DoD partners, we’ll invite you to provide us with a full proposal — this is the beginning of negotiating all the terms and conditions of a proposed prototype contract.

After a successful prototype, the relationship can continue and even grow, as your company and any interested DoD entity can easily enter into follow-on contracts.

Our Process

  1. We solicit commercial solutions that address current needs of our DoD partners.

  2. You send us a short brief about your solution.

  3. We’ll get back to you within 30 days if we’re interested in learning more through a pitch. If we're not interested, we'll strive to let you know ASAP.