Solutions - Portfolio - Product Catalog

Analyst Platform, LLC —
Intelligent Security Operations Center

The Problem This Solution Solves

While SIEM and SOAR modernization will be a giant leap forward in streamlining and automating a multitude of operator tasks, a large gap still exists in how fast operators can respond to new threats and relate them to ongoing event alerts.

The DoD seeks an innovative commercial solution that can harness the power of AI/ML to

drastically reduce the time it takes for cyber operators to address malicious activity on the

DODIN by acting as a “virtual tier one operator.” The solution should be aimed at automating

some of the triage, analytical, and investigative work that make up the bulk of an analyst’s


The Solution

Analyst1 is an intelligence driven, threat detection, response, and automation platform. Utilizing AI/ML, Analyst1 correlates indicators of compromise, detects malicious network behavior, and recommends counter measures to deploy to sensors. With a flexible, Restful API, Analyst1 seamlessly integrates with SIEM, SOAR, ITSM, sensors, and any security tool in the architecture.  Analyst1 consumes hundreds of open source, paid premium, and/or classified threat intelligence reporting sources, correlates and curates the data, and relates it to activity on the network.

Analyst Platform, LLC is one of the many companies we have contracted with in a variety of focus areas.

The DIU Commercial Solutions Catalog is a compilation of both our successful and transitioned prototypes. In conjunction with our Department of Defense (DoD) partners, we have evaluated, adapted, and tested these commercial solutions to solve your organization’s AI/ML, autonomy, cyber, human systems, and space challenges.

Prototype “Success Memos,” which enable DoD and U.S. Government (USG) entities to enter into Production Other Transaction agreements without re-competing, are available through DIU. See here for more information on the advantages of a DIU Success Memo.

Success Memo resource guide

If you work for a DoD or USG organization, these technology solutions are available for purchase right now. To learn more about whether these capabilities can meet your organization’s unique operational needs or how to acquire them, please send a direct inquiry through DIU’s Contact Us page.