The Problem This Solution Solves
DoD has a critical need for improved, large scale, situational awareness satisfied by less expensive, day/night, all-weather imaging satellites capable of filling gaps in space-based reconnaissance. This capability should facilitate timely analysis of emergent threats; allowing the Joint Force to deploy the right capability for a given situation, flex and adapt to the threat, respond to the situation and be unpredictable across an increasingly contested space environment.
The Solution
In October 2019, the NRO awarded Planet an unclassified, multi-year subscription service contract for daily, large-area, 3-5 meter resolution commercial imagery collection. Recognizing the importance of mission continuity, the scope of the new NRO contract is comparable to NGA’s previous contracts with Planet and includes access to new daily unclassified imagery over multiple areas of interest to military planners, warfighters, and the national security community. The transition is consistent with NGA’s and NRO’s role in exploring new and viable commercial GEOINT opportunities for national security missions.