Solutions - Portfolio - Product Catalog

Orbital Insight, Inc —
Peacetime Indications & Warning

The Problem This Solution Solves

DoD has a critical need for improved, large scale, situational awareness satisfied by less expensive, day/night, all-weather imaging satellites capable of filling gaps in space-based reconnaissance. This capability should facilitate timely analysis of emergent threats; allowing the Joint Force to deploy the right capability for a given situation, flex and adapt to the threat, respond to the situation and be unpredictable across an increasingly contested space environment.

The Solution

Orbital Insight successfully leveraged an existing body of work in ingesting satellite imagery, developing advanced computer vision algorithms to process satellite imagery, and applying data science techniques and principles to prototype the large-scale ingestion and automated analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery,  data management for Disaster Response algorithmic flow,  Maritime Domain Awareness for dark-ship tracking, a Project Datahub for Joint Partners,  and Aircraft Detection and Extraction for detecting aircraft using satellite derived information.

Orbital Insight, Inc is one of the many companies we have contracted with in a variety of focus areas.

The DIU Commercial Solutions Catalog is a compilation of both our successful and transitioned prototypes. In conjunction with our Department of Defense (DoD) partners, we have evaluated, adapted, and tested these commercial solutions to solve your organization’s AI/ML, autonomy, cyber, human systems, and space challenges.

Prototype “Success Memos,” which enable DoD and U.S. Government (USG) entities to enter into Production Other Transaction agreements without re-competing, are available through DIU. See here for more information on the advantages of a DIU Success Memo.

Success Memo resource guide

If you work for a DoD or USG organization, these technology solutions are available for purchase right now. To learn more about whether these capabilities can meet your organization’s unique operational needs or how to acquire them, please send a direct inquiry through DIU’s Contact Us page.