Solutions - Portfolio - Product Catalog

Freefly Systems East —
Blue sUAS 2.0

The Problem This Solution Solves

Access to secure, trusted, and reliable sUAS is essential to national defense. The majority of affordable and capable commercial drones are manufactured overseas while parts Section 848 of the FY 2020 NDAA prohibits the use of parts produced in covered countries.

The Solution

The Freefly Systems Alta X was originally created for professional filming and can be used for ISR. It is a versatile multi-rotor aircraft designed around open architecture, endurance, and payload capacity. It can be folded to half its deployed size for easy transportation by a single operator.

Freefly Systems East is one of the many companies we have contracted with in a variety of focus areas.

The DIU Commercial Solutions Catalog is a compilation of both our successful and transitioned prototypes. In conjunction with our Department of Defense (DoD) partners, we have evaluated, adapted, and tested these commercial solutions to solve your organization’s AI/ML, autonomy, cyber, human systems, and space challenges.

Prototype “Success Memos,” which enable DoD and U.S. Government (USG) entities to enter into Production Other Transaction agreements without re-competing, are available through DIU. See here for more information on the advantages of a DIU Success Memo.

Success Memo resource guide

If you work for a DoD or USG organization, these technology solutions are available for purchase right now. To learn more about whether these capabilities can meet your organization’s unique operational needs or how to acquire them, please send a direct inquiry through DIU’s Contact Us page.