Solutions - Portfolio - Product Catalog

Leidos, Inc. —

The Problem This Solution Solves

With rapidly increasing numbers of EVs and ownership models both for government fleet and personal vehicles, there is a growing need to proliferate fast charging within DoD and on military installations beyond Level 2 chargers and various styles of recovering charging infrastructure costs through services with all-inclusive and predictable support prepaid.

The Solution

Leidos successfully implemented 6 Level 2 Chargers with 12 ports delivering 36.8 kW of power per station at its Plant 42 Hubs, and, 39 Level 2 Chargers with 78 ports plus 2 Level 3 Chargers with 2 Ports delivering between 18.4 and 184 kW Max Level rate of power at its 14 Fairchild AFB Hubs, and, 32 Level 2 Chargers with 64 ports plus 2 Level 3 Chargers with 2 Ports delivering between 18.4 and 110.4 kW Max Level rate of power at its 14 Dover AFB Hubs. This achieved Air Force's combined Policy, Business Model and Technology criteria by demonstrating a turn-key solution integrating system-level planning, engineering design, “Make ready” civil/electrical construction, EVSE configuration and installation, digital interfaces, cybersecurity, site commissioning, operations and maintenance (O&M), and a budget-neutral business model aligning equipment lifespan to a depreciation schedule. The combined effect of these features resulted in both innovative operational assurance and a cost efficient solution at multiple completed hubs.

Leidos, Inc. is one of the many companies we have contracted with in a variety of focus areas.

The DIU Commercial Solutions Catalog is a compilation of both our successful and transitioned prototypes. In conjunction with our Department of Defense (DoD) partners, we have evaluated, adapted, and tested these commercial solutions to solve your organization’s AI/ML, autonomy, cyber, human systems, and space challenges.

Prototype “Success Memos,” which enable DoD and U.S. Government (USG) entities to enter into Production Other Transaction agreements without re-competing, are available through DIU. See here for more information on the advantages of a DIU Success Memo.

Success Memo resource guide

If you work for a DoD or USG organization, these technology solutions are available for purchase right now. To learn more about whether these capabilities can meet your organization’s unique operational needs or how to acquire them, please send a direct inquiry through DIU’s Contact Us page.